Sunday, January 10, 2010

Battle Report Khorne Vs Tzeentch Daemons

1750 Daemon vs Daemon 5 Objectives

We set up the table and declared the terrain. After placing the five gray pillars as objectives we rolled for deployment.

2 , 5

He won and gave me first turn.

My List




Flamers (7)


Daemon Prince x2
  • Mark of Tzeentch
  • Daemonic Gaze
  • Bolt of Tzeentch

Pink Horror (5) x5
  • Bolt of Tzeentch
Pink Horror (5)
  • Bolt of Tzeentch
  • Changeling
  • Icon

I split greedily and was punished appropriately

Five small squads of pink horrors flashed in from the warp with no icons to be seen. Fortunately Khorne was equally fickle and my opponent was also left to re-evaluate his plan. Though his split was not nearly as greedy as mine.

A large squad of bloodcrushers took center stage ready to pounce forward, two formidible squads of bloodletters (10) landed on either flank of my position both with icons, and finally a daemon prince appeared to bear down on a squad of horrors.

The top of turn two brings about another unfortunate response from the gods only my final squad of pink horrors answer the call for reinforcements.

The squad warps in far to the rear of the bloodcrusher formation, my hope was lure the bloodcrushers back towards my only icon and away from the bulk of my troops selections.

The goal of my shooting this turn was to thin or destroy some of his troops, I ignored the crushers and prince with my shooting and was able to bring the two flanking bloodletter squads to 4 and 5 man squads.

His turn comes and in a stunning fit of sportsmanship he decides to roll terribly for reserves as well, another bloodletter (10) icon squad warps in for him, landing in the rear of my icon, setting my squad with bloodcrushers in the front, bloodletters in the rear, and difficult to the left and right.

On the other side of the battlefield a daemon prince of Khorne moves through difficult and decimates the small squad of horrors inside, a weakened bloodletter squad assaults the horrors (5) that damaged them and much to my dismay is unable to finish them off in this charge.

The top of turn 3 brings about the arrival of a squad of flamers (7) reserve rolls are getting comical at this point. Still in the warp is fateweaver a LOC and two Daemon princes.
However, the flamers are just the squad I need to deliver the proper sort of damage to his bloodletter/bloodcrusher pincer attack.

The flamers come in off the icon and are set to lay into the squad with warpfire and breath of chaos.

After being forced to make 15 saves including those wounds from the Pink horror (5) icon squad only the bloodletter Icon remained. Pink horrors moved in to do what they do worst, and finished the icon off in the assault, which also allowed for additional consolidation away from the bloodcrushers. On the other side of the board Pink horrors (2) wrapped with bloodletters (3) needed help so once again a squad of horrors (5) leapt to action piling in on the assault... .

With worse results

The center of the board consisted of the two remaining horror squads (5,4) attempting to kite the bloodletters, though with runs, and a prince breathing down their back the space began to get cramped.

The bottom of turn 3 proved slightly better for khone reserve rolls bringing in the final troop selection and his soul grinder. Now only his Bloodthirster remained to come in.

The bloodletters landed to help the center struggle while the soul grinder couldn't resist setting himself up to shoot at the flamers still in deep strike formation.

On one side of the table the daemon prince moved into position to join the assault of the two pink horror squads (5,2) and the bloodletters (2) He managed to mangle one squad and the other died to fearless wounds. Khorne daemons were on the loose.
the bloodletters (3) in the center of the table finally moved in for the assault scoreing only a single kill and remained wrapped with the horrors (3)
Bloodcrushers were forced to move and run towards the retreating pink horror (5) icon squad
while the soul grinder missed the flamers terribly with phlegm and only scored a single kill with the harvester cannon.

Turn four finally brought with it the rest of my army. Fateweaver and the LOC landed in off the icon while the other two daemon princes chanced scatter to support the opposite side of the table and put an end to the reign of the Khorne prince.

The bulk of our points were finally able to butt heads, my hope was to wrap him up in an assault long enough for the game to end. Fateweaver split his shots putting the gaze into the crushers and bolt into the grinder immobilizing it. The Lord of change could do none of the sort and layed all his shots into the crushers doing minimal damage (as expected)

The princes shooting on the other side of the table finished off the small squad of bloodletters (3) beside the khorne prince leaving my opponent with only two weakened squads of bloodletters left(3,6) until the assault phase... .

Pink horrors win another assault! This one was pretty miraculous, he wiffed and I killed two with wounds and the final one with fearless.

Bottom of turn four and here comes the Thirster! Landing near the center objective ready to wing wherever he is needed.

Shooting from the soul grinder put a wound of Fateweaver and he managed to not get spooked, then the bloodcrushers with Skulltaker moved in with a multi-assault on both fateweaver and the LOC, unfortunately for my opponent only two crushers were able to get in with Fateweaver. Both my guys recieved wounds in the assault and once again fateweaver stayed strong. We ended up pushing that combat, it was a long row to hoe for my greater daemons.

Top of turn five is the start and end of a hunt for his final objective grabber, my flamers jump and lay into the them with warpfire while my two squads within range (including my close combat experts) put more warpfire into them, I am forced to put shots from one of the daemon princes into the bloodletters which finally finishes them off. Now he is battling for a draw, unless he can manage to table me.

Other action this turn is scarce the prince that was not forced to fire into bloodletters assaults through cover at the khorne prince that was causing so much havok previously

Fateweaver fails to turn skulltaker into a chaos spawn and my assault phase ends with no bloodshed.

The bottom of five sadly has fateweaver waving goodbye to the bloodcrushers and the lord of change recieves another wound leaving him with a single wound left.

Opposite that the bloodthirster finally gets some action but shows how he needs to get the rust off and is unsuccessful in destroying the horrors (3) he assaults, they really are proving to be tough in combat.

The khorne V.S Tzeentch daemon prince matchup ends with khorne causing two wounds and Tzeentch finishing off what he started in shooting, freeing himself up to charge the bloodthirster.

At this point I hold one objective with my icon squad (4) and he holds none, but the game goes on!

Turn six results in his crushers destroying my LOC in my assault phase and moving on to my objective holders for his assault. Another squad of horrors (4) move into place to take the center objective and are laid to ground losing half their force from phlegm and harvester cannon belonging to the immobile soul grinder.

A pivotal battle with two pink horrors and two Tzeentch daemon prince against a bloodthirster rages on turn six, during my assault the princes manage 3 wounds against the bloodthirster and after much debate the thirster strikes down the scoring unit, possibly resigned to losing the combat. His assault he strikes at the healthy daemon prince in the hopes to kill the other with fearless wounds and bring the battle to a quick and decisive end.

He causes three wounds. Looks like someone is on my side, but I may not be happy with whom. I cause a single wound to him which he saves and that battle looks to be eternal.

The game goes on!

Turn seven his bloodcrushers finish off my Icon squad and the soul grinder takes it's final shots at the two horrors claiming the center objective causing three wounds and once again the horrors go to ground from the onslaught, I save two and a single horror stands exactly 3" from the objective as the game ends after seven grueling turns

Result: A win for my Daemons!

This was a really close and really great game, a fair share of unfortunate rolls and a good time was had by all.

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